Manna Dominican Republic

General Information and History

While the origins of Manna Global Ministries included many branches around the world, Manna as we know it today began in the Dominican Republic. While it has undergone some significant changes over the years, it still serves as the foundation out of which all of Manna’s other sites have been born. 

When MannaDR first began a few decades ago, it initially focused on serving the community of Bobita through work such as well drilling and house construction, a Children’s Home, and a Teams Program intended to allow those living in the States to experience short-term missions. While things have transformed and grown throughout the years, many of these pillars are still a part of the ministry in the DR today. They remind us of where we have come from and continue to push us on to greater growth for God’s Kingdom.

Rio San Juan Ministry Center

In late August 2023, the Sanchez family relocated from Santiago to Rio San Juan to join hands with Manna in a new venture for the Kingdom. Previously, the Christian Center in the area was predominantly led by North Americans. This fresh approach emphasizes local leadership to showcase God's Kingdom while also providing opportunities for North Americans to serve alongside, aligning with the vision given for the local community. Epifanio, Yessenia, along with their children, are actively involved as a family on a mission in RSJ.

They've spearheaded a church plant from the Christian center and initiated a small group Bible study with 10 adults at a neighbor's house. Furthermore, they've been dedicated to outreach efforts, engaging around 70 children every Saturday morning and offering English classes to over 50 students in the afternoons.

Recognizing additional needs, the Sanchez family identified tutoring needs within local schools, and they now work twice a week with 9 students with learning disabilities, providing much-needed assistance to them and their families. Moreover, they are utilizing their sewing business to train 9 women from the neighborhood in sewing skills, aiming to empower them vocationally. Through these efforts, the Sanchez family aims to exemplify God's Kingdom and extend invitations for others to become disciples of Jesus.


Manna Children’s Home

Since 1998, the Manna Children’s Home has served as a safe haven for over 50 children. Located on our main campus in Bobita, Dominican Republic, the Children’s Home typically houses around 15 children, ranging in age from infants to teenagers. Many of the children that come to us are in need of temporary care due to crises in the home or financial difficulties. The goal is always to reunite families, and the directors of the Children’s Home work closely with the child protective services of the country to do just that. However, while the children are with us, we ensure that they are loved and cared for by foster parents who love and trust Christ as their Savior. These foster parents create a warm, loving environment where the children are cared for and nurtured each and every day.

Manna Children’s Home is where our discipling efforts begin. In addition to meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, the Children’s Home also strives to enrich the lives of the children living there. Tutoring, counseling services, game nights, and devotionals are just a few of the many resources that are offered to our children. Additionally, the children are given the opportunity to form relationships and bonds with supporters in the States through our sponsorship program.

The Manna Children’s Home is a place where sweet smiles and big hugs abound. Our children are surrounded with love, and as a result of that, they freely give love to anyone they come into contact with.

D3 Discipleship

Santiago Residency Program

Started in 2016, our original Manna Campus Ministries site was planted in a city of possibilities. Santiago is the second largest city in the Dominican Republic and the home to several universities, job opportunities, and a seminary. Thanks to a generous sponsor base, our students at the Santiago Campus are able to live in community in Manna-provided housing where they also receive meals, supplies for school, and continued mentorship and spiritual growth opportunities, all while pursuing continued education or job training. Additionally, during this time in the Campus Ministry program, we push our students to take deeper steps in their personal faith. Now is the time we hope to see discipleship in action as our students reach out to the lost around them and take on the role of discipler. 
