25 Years of MannaDR
To celebrate 25 years of work and love poured into the Dominican Republic, we want to gather and enjoy this milestone together. You are invited to join us in Cookeville, TN where we will share about what God has done and continues to do.
Manna has been through so many seasons, peaks, valleys, growing moments, challenges, victories. To celebrate 25 years is to make time and space to honor all of the pieces that have formed Manna into what it is today. The “highs” and the “wins” are great, but I am most interested in the struggles and the moments where all would have failed without the power of God busting in and holding Manna up with His hand. Those struggles Manna has overcome in the last 25 years show that God can use them to strengthen us and has a plan for such a beautiful organization that has a forever home in the story of my life. Where I found who I was as a person, somewhere I could finally fit and belong, where I found forever friendships, where I met the love of my life and created a family I’m so proud of, Manna has changed the course of countless individuals lives for the better and I’m so proud to be apart of the Manna family.
Audrey Crow
Former MannaDR Missionary
Continuity is so hard in this world. There are so many good intentions with poor follow through. I know Manna has been remade and rebranded over the years. But its continuous service to a specific group of people should always be commended. My time there forever shaped my life. It’s where I caught fire for ministry as a group member. Its where I met my wife. It’s where I baptized the first man I discipled. It entrenched me in my faith and, though I don’t work for Manna anymore, I take the principles I learned there into my current ministry and have been able to grow the kingdom. I think that’s worth celebrating.
Jordan Crow
Former MannaDR Missionary